Sunday, July 5, 2009

Friday, July 10th, 2009


librarychick said...

Yay! It's Friday! Happy, happy, joy, joy. I had an Oprah "AH HA moment this morning. For my blog assignment, students will meta-cognate on the project as outline in the informational processes I define in the power point. OOOOHHHH, it's all making sense now.

!Viva los libros! said...

I'm pretty excited! I am doing a unit project on Ancient China to help out my 6th grade teachers, and I found a really cool site that mentioned a teacher in China looking for a class around the ages of our students to blog and wiki with. It's right up the Jerry alley--cool! I can't wait to talk to my teachers. We're going to blog away!

AmyH said...

I put the recipe for the cherry bars on a new page titled Jul09 OTHER INFO on Jerry's media utilization wiki---ENJOY

Anonymous said...

Being a blog newbie I am more than a little intimidated with this whole thing. I was under the impression that I would need to be more erudite to participate. I can see now that maybe I was mistaken. Maybe I can just be me and blog too. I found a site that I like on first glance but will delve into further. It's Blogging for Beginners.

Anonymous said...

While doing research on projects I came across a site that lists ongoing projects you can join. Here's one about Wordle I thought sounded cool:

Project Dates: July 2009 - June 2010
Each Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, a wordle (word cluster) will be posted.
Students are invited to dicipher the common topic that day's wordle might be and post their guesses into a google form.
Students/Teachers are invited to submit their own wordle. You can create wordles at httt://

The site that has these projects is Jenuine

!Viva los libros! said...

This whole web 2.0 thing has been soemwhat intimidating for me, because I don't feel techie enough. But, after I created my wiki and my blog (with some marvelous assistance from our instructor, I might add), I feel like I can "take on the world." It was exhilarating to figure out how to put together some pictures of China that I liked on a photo slide show and include it on my blog for kids. I'm really excited and hope that the higher ups see the value in it (although, I can see some pitfalls; I just have to plan for them and be proactive), because I really think blogging will pull those kids in that "check out" and get bored (most not being visual learners). Plus, it will pull in those students who don't share their voice in class, because they are shy (like I used to be all through school--pretty hard to imagine, huh?). They will be heard, and students could blog on stuff they are learning, questions or things they don't understand, and so many more things that only THEY can come up with. Students can learn from other students. Plus, the beauty of it--it doesn't take much time or an upgrade in technology resources. I'm psyched (and hey we're 1/4th of the way done)! Yahoo!

yankee842 said...

Thanks Amy for the recipie. I will make it as soon as I get home. Cooking in the dorms is impossible.

yankee842 said...

Attention Everyone: I would like to form a study group for the Praxis. I am proposing that it been in the first floor lounge of Green Hall (my dorm). It's a nice, big, lounge. I would like to have the first meeting next week and two meetings the following two weeks. I would like to know who is interested and what days/times work best.

Daniel said...

I'd like to study Praxis with the group, though I'm a bit clueless as to the whereabouts of Green Hall.

I'm also at a loss as to whom I'm responding. Anonymity is good because then you don't have to feel "bad" if I mope over not being invited=)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could study with a group for the Praxis but I know my weaknesses well enough to know that while my social self would be well fed by a study group, my academic self will have gotten nothing whatsoever out of the deal.

I study alone...sounds like song lyrics to me. Greenday anyone?