Sunday, July 5, 2009

Monday, July 13th, 2009


mallco said...

Wow! Went out and tried and on Saturday morning. Surveymonkey is the easiest one to use because as you set it up you get a visual. You are also allowed to preview your survey before it begins. Look for the survey to be posted somewhere this week. It was kind of fun. Try them out.


AmyH said...

I added the documents, pdfs, etc. that I used to study for the Praxis to the Jul09 Other Info page of the media wiki---use what you want (it is a lot of pages to copy)

!Viva los libros! said...

Thanks, Amy, for thinking of us doing our Praxis studying. I'm so jealous of you getting to relax and focus on the class without the stress of trying to study and get work done. I should feel as good as you do late in August (hopefully).

Colleen, I got a chance to try SurveyMonkey during a computer clock hour class, and it is really cool. I'd like to use it with my students.

I'm just SO amazed with all the web 2.0 stuff that is out there to use (and the extra cool part about it is that it is FREE and in education that is HUGE). I can't wait to try all this extra stuff, but I have to focus on assignments first. I hope next year in school that I have time to do my job (that is switching in format and scheduling) and play with this technology to figure it out. Teachers NEED to know about this stuff!

AmyH said...

DID you know??? Like the typical student I charged right ahead with the textbook reading without really looking over the book. IN THE BACK of the Reinventing Project-Based Learning book there are helpful appendices:
A - essential technology tools explained (I found this helpful to figure out what is really what)
C - reading group discussion guides for this book by each chapter.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to try out the idea from the book that they call a Technology Playground. I can see this as a great springboard for future project based learning.
I think it would be a perfect opportunity to "sell" your program and the tech you have, especially if you invite parents.
I can see kids trying out gadgets and using apps on the computer and coming up with ideas for their use. These ideas could be the initial steps in getting kids ready for bigger projects. I REALLY want to try this out.

librarychick said...

Library Lisa-- I would go to any "techno playground" with you!! :) Any hoo- I really enjoyed the Personal Info Space today. I think it would be really helpful for me on my own start up page and will probably do one for me! I can also see how it would be helpful to students in their endeavors.
BTW i m still ROFLM*O over Ida's post.

librarychick said...

Hey everyone! "Yankee" is Haley and "librarychick" is Nancy and "CSI investigator" is the TV junkie known as Laurie. Sorry to out everyone! I think a praxis study group is a great idea. Green Hall is where the coolest dormies live on campus--it's way over by the fields. We would be happy to host a study session or two. There is a large room with big tables n stuff. Is Wednesday night an option for anyone?

yankee842 said...

Everyone seems to be excited about all these web 2.0 tools amd I don't mean to be a downer but I was disappointed by the widgets available on the personal information spacess. When I read about them in the textbook I couldn't wait to see what they were. Perhaps if I was making a personal information space for myself and not for a project I would be more excited. I know there are hundreds I have not see yet but at first glance I was disapointed. I will give it another shot later.

yankee842 said...

Amy I just tried to open your recipie and it came up as boxes, circles, and squares. Has anyone else tried to open the recipie? Amy can you write it out for me or try to post it again?