Thursday, July 17, 2008

More on AR

In response to Heidi's post, I think that AR could be used as just a small part of the reading curriculum. Sure, it's good incentive for some kids, but my youngest son had a horrible reading experience in 5th grade because of the way it was used. It was the ENITRE reading curriculum, and he couldn't keep up with earning the points many of his classmates earned, so I couldn't even get him to read because it had to be an AR book! The points were posted on a wall in the classroom; how is that for self-esteem?!


running girl said...

I couldn't agree more with Lore's comments. It can be and is managed in such a competitive manner that it leaves no room for kids who don't like to or can't keep up with the best readers. It is not a curriculum at all!!!

Mrs. Martinet said...

I am going to a school that is NOT AR, which will be refreshing. It takes that huge burden off kids and lets them pursue their interests without worrying about points. I was always so sad to find that those nonfiction books were only 1/2 point when they were so FULL of information! Grr.