Wow, I'm watching the finale of Celebrity Circus and it is SO intense, I just needed to take a break from the action and come here to share with all of you Blogger-lovin' people about Pyzam.com . Laurel asked me where I got my templates for my blogs and this is the place. Be sure you get what you want template wise before you add awesome widgets though, as these get wiped out when you get a new template, unless you are good enough with html code to prevent that from happening. :)
Anyhoo... you can get them for MySpace pages (Claire, did you hear that?) and other things too. There are LOTS of template options. :)
*** No bears were harmed in the making of Celebrity Circus. ***
***Several humans were harmed, but they signed a release.***
Thanks Amy!
You are ever-so-welcome Laurel! And just to clarify on changing templates- you don't lose widgets if you stick with the templates Blogger provides, only if you go messing around with ones from outside Blogger's realm. :)
P.S. I can show you where to put the code from your new template if you want me to Laurel... just let me know! :)
I think I got it figured out, at least to do the simple stuff.
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